2. Smile ( The guy is smilling while the girl walks to ward him)
The girl : were you smilling likethat when she looked at you ?
The guys : yes, i was smilling while she kept staring at me.
3. Whistle ( a boy is whistling near the door)
Justin : who is making a noise ?
Bieber : (pointed out at the boy) the boy over there is whistling.
4. Open or close the door ( Vhae is closing the door)
Fachmi : why is this room becoming darker ?
Meftha : that's because vhae is closing the door.
5. Hum ( a worker looks serious getting his work done)
Man 1 : (looking at the worker) why is he so quick finnishing his work ?
Man 2 : he doesn't speak as he worked but he keeps humming to him self.
6. Bite your fingernails ( Sandy is bitting her nails)
Refan : are you bitting ypur nails ?
Sandy : yes. i'm bittiing them because i'm boried.
7. Read your grammar book ( a bunch of student in a library reading books)
a teacher : everyone here have started reading, why don't you begin with reading your grammar book ?
Student : yes, m'am (starts reading his grammar book?
8. Erase the board ( a student1 erasig the board)
Student2 : why are you erasing the board ?
Student1: because teacher asked me to.
9. Look at the ceiling ( a boy looking at the ceiling)
Girl : why are you keep looking at the ceiling ?
Boy : ( looking shocked) what were you saying ? sorry, i was day dreaming.
10. Hold your pen in your left hand ( a boy is about to write something with his pen)
Girl : whhy are you holding your pen in your left hand ?
Boy : that's because i'm left handed.
11. Rub your palms together ( a girl rubbinng her palms together)
Boy : you keep rubbing your palms together, are you cold ?
Girl : yeah, ist'n it what we commonly do in this freezing winter.